About Puhuri
Puhuri is a cloud service for service providers like HPC centers, supercomputers and data centres for allocating, provisioning and billing compute power, virtual machines and storage.
Puhuri aims to facilitate easy and efficient access to high-performance computing (HPC) and related services throughout Europe, with the goal of benefiting both researchers and industrial users. The key objective is to minimise service providers' administrative costs while simultaneously improving these services' usability. This will be achieved by establishing federated services for Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure (AAI) as well as resource allocation services.
Puhuri's target audience consists of both resource allocators and service providers, who can utilise the solution for various initiatives at the national, Nordic, and pan-European levels.
During the initial phase of the project, Puhuri laid the foundation for its infrastructure, with the LUMI EuroHPC supercomputer serving as its flagship customer. As a result, Puhuri has already demonstrated its significance and potential on a European scale by delivering services that have been adopted by more than 25 organizations in Nordic and Central European regions.
The Puhuri 2 project (2022-2025) introduction and documents can be found at neic.no/puhuri. The project is funded by the Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC) and the project partner countries Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. The project's main goal is to ensure the long-term availability of Puhuri's services by establishing sustainable operations with well-defined processes for service providers who require access to these services. Additionally, one of Puhuri's objectives is to design and implement a scalable governance structure. Through collaboration with various stakeholders, Puhuri hopes to establish a presence within the European research infrastructure landscape and establish itself as a legal entity in the future.
At present, Puhuri is in the process of onboarding new service providers and resource allocators.